Equine Assisted Coaching Association Is Proud To Present Its Brand-New 1st Gathering Of Equine Assisted Coaches This September
Join us for Horses and Hearts Equine Assisted Coaching Conference in Wisconsin. Where we come together with all levels of experience for the exchange of information, demonstrations, and practical application of equine assisted coaching experiences. This is your opportunity as an equine assisted coach, certified or not, and auditors, to observe, learn, and build a special connection with fellow equine assisted coaches, others, and the horses.

If you resonate with wanting to learn more in community and the healing power of horses, and want to go deeper together into the strategies, tools and applied skills of equine assisted coaching, you are invited to join us for the brand new 1st year gathering of equine assisted coaches.
The weekend is designed to interact with each other and the horses, to explore, inspire, empower and put into practice what is learned through the equine assisted coaching presentations, demonstrations, and principles on a wide range of topics.
The weekend is also devoted to creating and building a new horse culture that helps you to find clarity and renewal so that you can offer your unique services to your clients and your community.
Saturday evening is giving gratitude to the gifted relationship with horse and will be celebrated in an enchanting barn with illuminated lights, theatrical scenes, vibrational music and magical moments with the herd of horses.
Interested in Becoming an Equine Assisted Coach?
Conference is open to auditors
Are you curious about Equine-Assisted Coaching, wanting to know more and how horses are masters at helping clients with their healing powers, their personal development, finding their way in life…?
Through partnering with horses, the equine assisted coach provides the space for the horse-human connection to take place. And in this space the human being is given an opportunity to learn things about themselves and life, new ways of looking at self, improving relationships with others.
For questions contact Pam at support@equineaca.com or call (920) 286-2444.

Please register me for the EACA Horses & Hearts Conference
Located at 17412 W Washington Road, Kiel, WI 53042
Early Bird Savings ENDS Sunday, September 1, 2019 $297 Regular $397
Does not include transportation, accommodations, or meals.
The Presenters
Learn from a Line Up of Presenters that is Scheduled Over the Horses and Hearts Conference
Each day will open with Q & A and discussion, flowing into presentations to help you to learn, experience, and embody everything that supports you and your skillset as an equine assisted coach.
Pam Kachelmeier
Pam earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology with a concentration in Equine Assisted Mental Health & Learning from Prescott College. She is founder of Equine Assisted Coaching Association and creator of Meaningful Life Counseling and Coaching. While working as a successful insurance adjuster Pam questioned what she was being taught about life and why there was much misery in the world, hence began her long journey of connecting with horses to find the answers. “I entered a new world and that is when my adventure really began. Renowned teachers appeared such as Phillip Whiteman Jr. a nationally known cultural consultant, also advises movie producers with their films like Hostiles, and Frederic Pignon and Magali Delgado world-class equestrian artists of Cavalia, where horses take center stage. And the best teachers in all, my horses. I changed, things expanded, and everything furthered”.
She has been a speaker at Lakeland University, SOAR, UW Sheboygan, WSCS Community TV, WGXI Radio, Sheboygan Chamber of Commerce, Professional Women’s Connection, Sojourner Family Peace Center, and the Sheboygan Holistic & Wellness Group to name a few.
Saturday Evening Session – Celebration with Horses in Enchanted Barn
A woman walked into Liberty Land and came out with a deeper connection to horse, personal freedom, and healthier relationships with others. What is it about the deep closeness we yearn for with horse that goes beyond superficial personality traits, burdened responsibilities, stresses, and obligations? Horses are magical creatures taking us back to our childhood dreams, reclaiming our authenticity. Big change is underway in the world and horse is here to help us again. What has horse done for you?
Dan Huber Ph. D.
Dr. Huber earned his Ph.D. in developmental psychology, with an emphasis on child and family studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dan has taught child development/psychology courses at the graduate school level, designed programs for children with special needs, worked as a school guidance counselor/psychologist 15 years and has been actively involved in serving children and families in private and public settings for over 40 years. He also offers non-traditional classes and events.
Friday Afternoon Keynote Speaker
We undoubtedly live in transitional times. News reports fill our minds with destructive acts locally, nationally and globally. Suicide and opioid addictions are considered to be at epidemic proportions, and everyone seems to be struggling for answers to find ways to live in more peaceful, co-operative ways.
One of the main issues confronting humanity, is to find ways to move out of living from a “me “to a “we” perspective. While self-care is important, we still find ourselves disconnected with our “tribe,” and living more in electronic space, digitally searching for the next level of stimulation and “connections”. Sadly, these efforts usually fail, and we return to a sense of loneliness and isolation.
In this intriguing presentation, we will explore the historic roots for the current times we live in, the “unseen” forces which are affecting our destiny and how we can collectively transform not only our own, but the consciousness of humanity through mutually collective ways of loving, caring for and supporting one another.
Gina Martell
Approaching ten years of life coaching and practicing Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Gina recently added Equine Assisted Life Coach to her certifications. She works with clients on her four-acre farm in Acworth, GA, and hosts Fire Walks for her clients with her husband Justin (past Fire Captain for Tony Robbins of 11 years). Gina’s Equine coaches are Dodger and Blue who she partners with and specializes in healing children and women of all ages from their past childhoods or abuse. Gina helps empower and teach her clients how to find the HEALTHY love and relationships they desire while building self-esteem and confidence. She also teaches women how to date and communicate more effectively with men.
Saturday Morning Session with Horse
Helping clients to let go of their anger and pain. Healing of the Inner Child, building trust and confidence within through using the healing power of horses.
Learning Objectives
How to release anger and pain from toxic people in your life and past/childhood.
Sue Driscoll
Sue has a lifetime of experience with horses. She is currently pursuing her Equine Assisted Coaching Association Certification hours, as well as her certificate as a Masterson Method Equine Specialist. She aspires to improve humans’ relationships with their horse as well as with themselves.
Saturday Morning Session with Horse
Spend non-demanding time with your horse through play and massage. Learn to give back to your horse and bond with him out of the saddle. Implement gentle and intuitive groundwork and touch to strengthen your relationship.
Learning Objectives
Understand what non-demanding time is and why it is important to spend this with your horse. Give your horse effective tension release by using Masterson Method technique on the bladder meridian. Include play in your horse’s routine to provide variety, establish leadership with him, and bond together.
Penny Wilson
Penny’s experience prior to becoming an equine assisted coach and a certified professional coach included 30 years of financial management roles within the automotive industry. She left the financial career path in April 2018 in search of a way to partner with her horses and to help others. Penny became certified for both equine assisted coaching and professional coaching in early 2019. She is not looking back and enjoys using her skills and heart to help those who come out to the barn.
Saturday Afternoon Session with Horse
We have been taught to live life dwelling in our brain and overthinking everything. Equine assisted coaching compels us to draw on our creative side and be present in the moment. This enables us to tap into our senses to “see” what shows up in each session with our clients. This session will consist of a group discussion in understanding intuition or “listening to our gut” and an exercise where we explore clearing space and connecting with the horse.
Learning Objectives
To become more intuitive and present in the moment while working with clients and your horses
Cat Caldwell Myers
Cat was a horse crazy girl who grew into a responsible horsewoman. Growing up out West, there was always a horse within walking distance and that’s how she started working with them. In later years, she put her experience as a River Guide, Wrangler, Life Coach and Teacher together to begin helping clients transform using horses. She is living her dream out at Hidden Ranch in Libertyville, IL with her two children, husband, three horses, a cat and a dog.
Sunday Afternoon Session with Horse
We all have a dream of horses inside us… but when we decide we are too busy; we lose our dream to the busy-ness. One woman believed she could keep her dream alive as a young mother and headed out West for the family odyssey of a lifetime to bring it all together. In this brief slideshow presentation, you’ll see the transformation she witnessed in her children, her husband, her nanny, her animals and herself, as well as the insights into traveling with horses & horse-people in America today.
Learning Objectives
Transforming impossible dreams into possible outcomes; Learning to troubleshoot and manage the needs of horses and family on the road, and in our own backyards; The Simple Tools that Horses Teach Us for Life, and how we can share those with others.
Marvin Williams
Marvin believes everyone can enjoy the freedom, joy and security derived from knowing and living their life’s purpose. Aided by the compassionate wisdom of his horses, Marvin helps people seeking a purposeful life filled with sustainable happiness and capable of making a meaningful impact in the world to make positive life changes for achieving these. For horse owners wanting a more rewarding experience with their equine partner, Marvin helps them develop a stronger human-horse relationship by sharing his knowledge, experience and ability to communicate with horses.
Sunday Afternoon Session with Horse
Horse’s feet follow horse’s mind. Human response follows human thought. ‘Focus’ impacts horse’s mind and human thought and is an important factor in managing the responses of both. Based on this realization, the Side by Side life coaching model is based on the acronym F.O.C.U.S. (Focus, Observation, Communication, Understanding, Shape). Through verbal exchange and work with the horse, participants in this session will gain an understanding of how the F.O.C.U.S. model optimizes results for horse, client and life coach.
Learning Objectives
Understand the importance and correlation of ‘focus’ in the horse and human and how focus (or lack of focus) impacts thought and response
Debra Johnson
The keystone to my partnering with horses has been an eclectic journey of knowledge and discovery beginning with my introduction into the Martial Arts as a young child. I have been a Martial Arts instructor and competitor earning the rank of 3rd Dan in American Martial Arts. I have taught hundreds of students, demonstrated Martial Arts energy flow techniques and competed internationally in sparring. I have been a business owner, teacher, artist, caregiver, Equine Specialist and student of the horse. My journey with the horse has brought me to Equine Therapy most recently. All that I have experienced and learned along the way has given me insights into helping others heal and partnering with horse as co-healers and equals.
Sunday Morning Session with Horse
Participants will learn to feel and focus energy through their bodies through simple yet effective training techniques. These techniques can enhance one’s communication and understanding of horse movements, language and relationships between themselves and their horses.
Learning Objectives
Learning about and experiencing energy flow through your body and transferring that energy into a medium of communication with horses
Barbara Techel
Barbara serves as a compassionate, insightful, and intuitive guide gently guiding women on inner oracle journeys to pause, listen, and capture the innate wisdom of their souls to live more meaningful lives. She is the author of two memoirs, Through Frankie’s Eyes and Wisdom Found in the Pause and a third memoir coming soon, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am. You can learn more on her website: barbaratechel.com
Saturday Morning Session with Exercise
Barbara will present her inspiring and uplifting inner journey and what she discovered through the wisdom of animals and oracles. From an encounter with a dead mama snake, a white wolf named Laoila, a horse named Ollie, and a specially-abled dachshund named Gidget, plus the ancient wisdom of oracles, you’ll learn how each played a part in helping her heal her wounded child within. Plus, you’ll take part in a short exercise working with oracles and journaling to help you tap into your intuition and how this practice is a beneficial personal growth tool.
Learning Objectives
How animals and oracles serve as guides and symbols to understanding our inner selves.
Visit Barbara Techel’s Website
C.J. Gilbert
C.J. serves clients around the globe. She was born with the gift of talking to the animal kingdom. She grew up part of her childhood on the P.N. Ranch in Montana. It was later when her family moved to Wisconsin, she got her first horse. Gilbert studied Animal Science in college and worked for an Equine Veterinarian. It was because of one of her own horses “Hazy Hostess” an ex thoroughbred mare, that changed her path. After taking training’s in various Energy based modalities, “Hazy” became sound. What started as a mission to help her beloved horse turned into a career to help others. Gilbert has appeared on TV, Radio, Talk shows in the US and Canada, presenter at Midwest Horse Fair, various Holistic Horse Fairs, and more. C.J. has way too many credentials to list. My mission -” Is to open the door to new possibilities for health, happiness, and harmony, with our animal companions”.
Sunday Morning Session with Exercise
Afformations – the missing key. It is said, ask a lousy question, get a lousy answer. Ask a great question, get a great answer. Questions unlock the magic in our universe. They can open otherwise closed doors. Discover the nuts and bolts of how one client paid off her highest credit card dept, another healed a yearlong old knee injury after many trips to physical therapy etc., doubled income in a few months’ time, started getting referrals, released 40 lbs. and counting. And now it’s your turn to learn this simple yet powerful way to create a new kind of question that creates new possibilities.
Learning Objectives
Learning the nuts and bolts of creating a new kind of question. Questions that bypass the subconscious mind and empower.
The gathering begins Friday afternoon as we settle in with connecting to the peaceful beauty of the horses, nature, and with each other, who have chosen to be on an equine assisted coaching journey with you.
Since horses live with nature’s natural rhythms, we may move things around at any time to accommadate their needs and natural flow, but below is an intended schedule and how it will unfold. If traveling in your own vehicle, please bring a folding chair.
Friday, September 20th – Welcome to Horses and Hearts Equine Assisted Coaching Conference
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Check-in, mix and mingle, opening talk with Pam, followed by entering the horse herd meditation circle.
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Key note speaker: Dr. Dan Huber/Q & A
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Fireside chat and storytelling, strengthening our relationships
5:00 pm Dinner with group or on your own. A great time for catching up with old friends and meeting new ones while dining together in the beautiuful resort town of Elkhart Lake, WI.
Saturday, September 21st – Presenters and Celebrating the Horse Evening Gala
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Morning gathering flowing into presentations/Q & A
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch break. (Please bring your own bagged lunch). Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Presentations/Q & A
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Celebrating the Horse Dinner outing with group or on your own.
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 pm – Celebrating the Horse Evening Gala. A musical and screen projection evening celebrating and showcasing the beauty and healing power of the horse in an enchanted barn. Appatizers and beverages will be provided.
Sunday, September 22nd – Presenters
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Morning gathering flowing into presentations/demos/Q & A
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch break. (Please bring your own bagged lunch). Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm – Presentations/demos/Q & A
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm – Closing Ceremony
Location | Coach Horse Center 17412 West Washington Road Kiel, WI 53042 |
Getting There | Nearest airports and drive times – Fly into Milwaukee or Green Bay airport. There are rental cars available in the terminals.
Hotels | Osthoff Resort 101 Osthoff Avenue Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 855-671-6870 (11 miles from center) | AmericInn Plymouth 1708 Eastern Avenue Plymouth, WI 53073 800-634-3444 (12 miles from ranch) |
Victorian Village Resort 276 Victorian Village Drive Elkhart Lake, WI 53929 920-876-3323 | 52 Stafford (12 miles from ranch) 52 Stafford Street Plymouth, WI 53073 920-893-0552 |
Siebkens Resort 284 S Lake Street Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 920-876-2600 | Quality Inn - Sheboygan, WI 4332 North 40th Street Sheboygan, WI 53083 (920) 457-7724 (13.44 miles from ranch) |
The Holiday Inn - Manitowoc, WI 4601 Calumet Avenue Manitowoc, WI 54220 1-800-315-2621 (18 miles from ranch) | Baymont Inn and Suites 678 Walton Drive Plymouth, WI 53073 920-893-6781 (12 miles from Ranch) |