Eight years ago, I was captivated by Cavalia, a new traveling entertainment show about horses and humans that was touring the United States and was scheduled to perform in Chicago. I asked some friends if they wanted to go, as I had this deep desire to see the horses and their humans under a massive white peaked tent. Something about it intrigued me, it was different, but nothing happened and we did not see the show.
Then early spring of this year being 2017, I got word Cavalia, which is now called Odysseo, was scheduled to perform in Chicago again. A flame was reignited in me, and this time I told myself I’m going no matter what, I’ll go by myself if I have to. So I asked my daughter and my sister to join me, and the next thing you know were driving to the big metropolitan city of downtown Chicago.
We handed in our show tickets and were escorted to our reserved center seats, sitting in a crowd of other horse loving spectators and enjoying the live show.
The sand and water filled, earth toned stage, along with the theatrical lighting, live drumming and singing, and oh my – the stars of the show – the horses were just breathtakingly beautiful. All different kinds of breeds from Quarter horses to Arabians, to Lusitanos to warmbloods, and many more, with their free-flowing manes and whispy tails. It was a spectacular show that truly captured my heart and stimulated my soul.
I love how the theatrical performers communicated and connected with their horses at liberty, no halters, no lead ropes, no domination or forced control, it was all about respect and freedom. And if a horse left their spot, which is okay if it happens, (the horse is not corrected back into perfect position) we got to see it’s personality play out and how that became part of the show.
My on-going quest to go deeper with learning the whispers of the horse, their inner workings, using a kind confident approach rather than a complacency horse training world that tells me otherwise continued!
I heard that Cavalia’s co-founders, equestrian artists, husband and wife, Frederic Pignon and Magali Delgado of France, were coming to the United States to do a 5-day horse training clinic. Well as soon as I confirmed this, I knew I was going.
I’m sitting on the outside of the round pen next to one other person who was in the clinic with her horse. I purposely did not want to sit with a group of people because I wanted to focus on what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling inside of the round pen. I wanted to connect with the different horse’s personalities and their energy fields as Frederic was connecting and working with these beautiful sensitive beings and their owners.
Little did I know what was in store for me.
As I was seated and taking in the live training, I could sense my nervous system, all my senses was picking up new things. I was feeling what can only be described as an energy frequency of sorts, a higher electro vibration, sensing the horse’s energy code that was vibrating out into the earth’s electromagnetic field, and the people sitting in it. This is the best way I can describe it in words.
There was such a welcoming and deep beautiful calm, that I could feel it canvassing throughout my entire body. It was so powerful that I expressed to the woman sitting next to me what I was feeling, I couldn’t hold it in.
Sounds crazy, right?
I was resonating with a silent conversation , the horse’s way of talking to us, and got a feeling for how their species communicates this way all the time. It was a special type of message is the best way I can explain it.
There are philosophers, truth-seekers, spiritual teachers, and many others all around the globe that say we are transitioning out of the 3rd dimension and evolving into the 5th dimension. Crazy stuff right, how do we grasp this with our human minds? Information I never heard of until only a few years ago. I think what they are referring to is we are growing as a human species, evolving. And Frederic is one of these kind horse trainers that truly understands horses in a much deeper way.
The clinic ended and I said my good byes. I’m on my way back home and processing in my mind what happened. But, I could not leave that deep calm feeling and what transpired behind, I was on such a natural high that I took a wrong turn and got lost, really lost. I was bewildered and was traveling south when I should have been heading north. I did not have a GPS with me at the time, and you know what, I was not concerned about it. I just said to myself when I see a public place, I’ll stop and ask them for directions. And that is exactly what happened, a quaint little country restaurant in the middle of no where got me back on track.
Does that ever happen to you, you’re so deep in thought that you miss your turn? We’ll that was me.
The gifts I received from horse
Because of my love for horses, living with them and studying their true nature ever since I was a little girl, in addition to studying human psychology, social behavior, nature, and indigenous cultures, it was all starting to make sense.
I received a far deeper understanding of horses and the gifts they are trying to share with us, if we are willing to find the stillness within and truly listen. It’s not a matter of listening to what they have to say with our ears, but rather listening with our intuition, heart, body, mind, and soul.
The time has come for us to learn and truly understand them. To question and change our outdated school of thoughts, methods, our controlling state of mind, and instead be in a meaningful relationship with them. They are just waiting for us to join them, and now is the time more than ever.
I don’t follow many of the main stream horse trainers anymore, I’ve closed that door. But, I am willing to peek at someone new and their methods if they believe in a kind and gentle approach.
As a result, I’m on this beautiful journey with my horses and in a much deeper relationship with them than I’ve ever been before. Its taken me some time over the years to truly understand them and what they are wanting us to know. What I’ve learned is that I can train my own horse, it just takes time and much patience. And, continued learning from my horses.
Can you feel the change is happening, both for the humans and the horses.
Thank you Pam. This article was inspiring. Bringing me back to center…to continue on this journey. Scarlett and I needed to hear this.